Covering all areas of Central, North, East and West London.
We believe that it’s important to remember that we’re working for your tenants as well as for you. Of course, it is paramount that we ensure your tenants take good care of your property and all its fixtures and fittings and immediate environment – but ensuring your tenants’ comfort and security is a key part of our diplomatic and proactively helpful approach to handling their day-to-day issues and yours.
Of course, a good deal of the properties we look after, especially those within blocks, are used by ‘out of town’ clients as a London pied à terre – and the very fact that they are often empty demands attentive monitoring in order to spot issues and resolve them before they turn into major problems.
Property Maintenance
The HPML team is not only thoroughly experienced and trained in all aspects of property maintenance – they are also expert in monitoring a building’s interior and exterior for signs of imminent issues. We build that vigilance and insight into the maintenance service we carry out on your behalf in the form of regular site visits involving detailed interior and exterior inspection as well as routine tasks such as gutter clearing and ensuring that alarms and lighting meet the current regulations. When a problem arises, we have the skilled people, employed and contracted, ready and at hand to nip new issues in the bud and to remedy longer term issues with prompt and effective works.
Refurbishment and Major Works
Augmenting our own team, we have carefully assembled a thorougly checked list of preferred builders and tradespeople who meet our extremely rigorous standards, not only in the quality of their work but also in their discretion, diplomacy, integrity and in general the way they conduct themselves.
Aware that major works tend to cause major upheaval we strive to minimise stress and mess as much as humanly possible – from handling Section 20 submissions and consequential paperwork and procedures with a minimum of fuss and managing the entire project from inception to final snagging if required.
Gardening and Plant Maintenance
The immediate environs of your property are integral to its character and often key to its value in the eyes of prospective tenants and purchasers alike. That’s why we devote the same care and attention to the organic elements of the property as to bricks and mortar. As well as tending to hanging baskets, boxed and potted plant displays and more, we handle the full range of landscaped grounds and garden maintenance from pruning and planting to mowing, tree surgery services and any other ancillary service your organic environment calls for.
From the regular and thorough cleaning of interior common parts and/or external grounds to interior and exterior window cleaning with ladder, scaffold, cradle and water-fed pole systems, we ensure that all cleaning operatives are fully trained, thoroughly vetted and well briefed before allowing access to your property.
As mentioned above, many of our clients use their properties as London pied à terre, and they in particular find our keyholding service invaluable. Not only because it enables us to get access without delay in the event of urgent need, such as frozen pipes or water leakage, but also because it’s immensely convenient when a tenant or owner forgets or misplaces their own keys.
HPML manage a full range of buildings from converted Victorian terraced houses to mansion blocks and modern developments with large numbers of units.